Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 9: August 22nd

A conversation with an 8th grade student:

This was my 4th day of the school year with the same group of 8th grade students.  Apparently this young man lives somewhere along the path I had been taking most nights for my 5k.  The conversation went something like this:

Student:  Teacher do you own a car?
Teacher:  Yes I do, why do you ask?
S:  I see you walking everywhere.  Why?
T:  Because I can and its good for you.
S:  But why if you have a car?
T:  I just like to I guess.
S:  So does that make you like the Flintstones or something teacher?
T:  (Looking over to the other adult in the room, shocked the student even knows who the Flintstones are)  Well, I guess it kind of does but my feet just make me move, not the car. 
S:  (shrugs shoulders and goes back to work)

*Later, I had a conversation with Ms. Hernandez and some of the other school aides about this.  Made us all smile that Johnny (really the students name), knew to make such a connection.  He has some learning restrictions, making this connection even more exciting. 

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Day 4: Hell of a Half Marathon

Day 4 of my challenge would earn me 13.1 miles and some pain.  I hope pictures are truly worth 1000 words.

 The age group awards and can only dream of someday being fast enough to earn.
 Flame trophy the top 3 male and female runners would earn for their efforts, something I can only drool over.
 Banner for the race, made for a great photo opportunity for many runners this morning!
 Pile of bling we would all soon be earning.  I loved the bike chain design around the edge and the weight surprised me compared to our other local half's.
 The super cool water bottles we would get at the finish.  They were said of have ice cold water waiting for us, but I figured if they were already starting to fill them before we even started they wouldn't be very cold (only real complaint about the event).
 As I get ready to head up the 1st hill.  Can already feel the heat in my cheeks.  Got a great tan though thanks to my self made Snoopy sleeve gathers. 
 View of the 1st climb into the sun!
 At the top of the first hill with the Exeter valley behind me.  Still have some green trees on this side of the mountain.  Can see my Gizmo chili pepper hat in this one too.  Had matching socks and my "Valley of Fire" race shirt.  Figured with a race called "Hell" I should theme it up as much as I could.
 Trying out the new Gatorade chewy's.  Wasn't a real fan of the texture but it seemed to work well enough.  Cheeks are even more red.  This is the bottom of the 1st hill and I think going in to mile 7.
 Snoopy sporting my medal!
Not sure how I feel about this race.  Overall I was able to cut 18 minutes from last year.  Wasn't able to hold a 15 minute per mile pace like I had originally hoped for, but I am thinking, this may be a reason to return next year!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Day 3: with Mom and some memories

Day 3 of my challenge I got to spend 2 miles of my 5k with Mom.  I went out later to get in another 1.5 so I would be able to complete my challenge.  I had planned on a 5k that evening but ran into an old friend when I stopped by Rite-Aide, so I had to cut it short since I didn't have my night gear (basically a light since it was almost dark when I came out of the store and we don't have very good lighting in my neighborhood).  While I was a little disappointed I didn't get all 3.1 miles in at the same time, still felt good about the total for the day.

My Mom hates to have her picture taken!  Doesn't matter who takes it, or for what reason, she would just rather not.  When I explained to her I was trying to keep a photo document of my challenge, she sighed and rolled her eyes then stood next to me so I could snap a quick photo of us before we went out the door.
When we moved into town in spring 2012 from the ranch, Dog (also know as Little Dog, Little Pup) became her walking companion.  He used to be so proud when he would see you grab the leash and it was almost like he would prance at the beginning of the walk, at least until he picked up his first scent of the morning.  We had to say good-bye to Dog in February of 2012.  This took a toll on all of us but especially Mom.  She and I continued the morning walks together until summer when I went on vacation, then Dad took over and they have been going strong ever since.  
This is our new family member, Katie.  She joined us in September 2012.  While she is finally getting used to having a harness on her in the backyard, it will be awhile until she is ready to meet the world.  Katie still things a leash is meant for chewing on, and her job is to pull your arm out of its socket. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 1 and Day 2

Day 1:  Wednesday, August 14th, 2013
So this was a random way to start anything.  I work up to the first day of a new school year without a classroom of my own.  I knew coming home from Las Vegas would mean going a few years with substituting again.  As I was making my way on around one of my 3 mile loops, I realized I should do this every day I don't work.  Figured getting outside and moving is always a good thing so I should do it when I had "nothing" else to do.

 As I was sitting talking with Dad after returning, I realized I shouldn't wear a blue Memorial Day run shirt when wearing red running shorts unless I want to have a slight Captain America feeling!  I also had on red running shoes with teal and white details along with my red chili pepper hat and socks. 

Day 2:  Thursday, August 15th, 2013 
I took my new Stride Box water bottle with me for day 2 filled with Nuun e-lite water.  Realized during this walk I had to make a commitment to do something bigger and outside my comfort zone.  This was actually the walk that lead me to my self imposed challenge.  
I was sad to have missed a job opportunity for the 2nd day of school because I had turned my phone off thinking, "who will be out the 2nd day of school?"  Teach me to think, but then hey, why not make a commitment to move instead! 

My story and the reason for the Challenge!

So I have decided the only way I can get better at something is to stop saying I will work on it and actually do it.  Not having gotten a full-time teaching position for the coming school year got me to thinking.  As I went out for a 3 mile loop on the morning of the first day of school, it hit me..."I need to do this every day!" 

We always say we are going to do things, but then allow ourselves to find random reasons for not doing them.  I have been this way with my "running".  When I decided to sign up for my 1st ever anything in March of 2009, I had no clue as to what I was getting myself in to.  My BFF Lois said she would sign up with me, so I figured "hey, why not".  Gave us an excuse for a girls weekend in Las Vegas, since that's where I was living at the time.  While I have come a long way since then, I have still not really taken it seriously.

My first race was a 5k called Six Tunnels to Hover Dam!  Still one of my favorite venues for running to this day. 
Here I am coming into the finish line!  Only thing I regret about this race was not having a picture taken with Lois at some point.  I knew as soon as I crossed the finish I would so be back for more. 

Lois and I decided later that night, with the help of Shane (my boyfriend and BFF who is the reason for running) that we would all three sign up for the San Francisco race the end of July.  For Lois and I, this would be our first attempt with a half marathon while Shane would be adding a full marathon to his 50 state quest.

I had multiple other local 5k races along the way.  I think at some point I lost track of them all. 
 The Henderson Library 5k, I won a gift card to Jamba Juice during their raffle.  I love Jamba Juice!!
With my BFF Lois at the start line!  I love this beautiful lady and I am so proud of her for joining me on this and many other races in the last 4 years. 
Sprinting over the finish line for a 3:28ish finish.  While I was by no means the fastest person I was certainly one of the most determined.  To this day, this is still one of my favorite race photos, I love that my feet are both off the ground. 

So after 3 1/2 years of running various distances across the country, I decided to try my first full marathon.  Ironically, it ended up the same weekend as my very first race.  While I knew it would be more difficult than words could ever describe, I had no clue just how true that would prove to be.  I came in with a time of 8:44ish and actually won my age group.
 Getting my AG award from RD Ken.  Shane said it was by far one of the happiest he has ever seen me.  I just kept telling Ken, "How can this be?"  Aside from those 4 little words, I was speechless, which never happens.
 I was crying at the finish line my feet were hurting so bad.  Was shocked by the size of the blister on my left food when we finally got home and I could take my shoe/sock off.  Don't think I have ever seen such a large blister before.
Shane and I the next morning all clean and sporting our race bling!  He won AG for his 50K (also first time doing the distance).

So after all the background information has been said, the reason for my quest/challenge!  I have lived with "bad" knees for as long as I could remember.  As a result, I don't usually do any running outside unless it is for a race.  I bought an elliptical about a month before my first 5k and have used it for 90% of my training.  I would go out for a walk or a hike, but running just didn't interest me.

After the discomfort during the full marathon in March 2013, I knew I had to make some changes if I was going to do it again.  I also began to realize my body had probably reached its maximum potential for improvement unless I changed what I was doing.  I have several long term goals, like most, and the only way to get there was to give a little more each day.

So here it is...  I am committing to a 5k distance each day for 365 days.  Doesn't matter if I walk, run, crawl, skip.  All that matters is it has to be outside.  No more excuses.  Heat doesn't matter!  Rain doesn't matter!  Cold doesn't matter!  All that matters is getting it done!  Two days a week, I will do sprint intervals for mile 2 of my adventure.  Weekends are for racing when possible and for long runs to get ready for my next target event (right now it's Two Cities half in November and BLU marathon or possibly longer in March).  I have set it up so I will focus on time spent on my feet, not distance for my long runs.  I will get an hour of hills during these long runs. 

If you see me out and about, please stop by or honk and let me know you are there.  If you are local and would like to join me for a mile, please do, I would love company any day of the week. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.  I look forward to the journey ahead and promise to post pictures of my daily walks every couple of days.  Happy running!!